Saturday, April 24, 2010

How You Can Help Feed America!

So I'm sure you all are thinking, I'd love to help others and feed America but I just don't have any time in the world to do what you're doing, Kathy! What can I do to help?

Well friends, there's so much you can do to make an impact that doesn't involve going to drastic extremes like I am to travel to 4 cities (New Orleans, Atlanta, Charleston, and DC) and work in the food banks.

Feeding America is an amazing non-profit organization that connects needed food to those that are finding their life a little difficult at the moment. 98% of the money that they receive goes DIRECTLY to stocking up those food banks across the nation. 98% is A LOT folks.

So here's how you can help: 1) take a minute and realize how blessed you are to have the amazing life you are leading. 2) go to and check out their donation section. 3) read that $1.00, A DOLLAR!!, can provide SEVEN meals to men, women, and children that are struggling with hunger today. Goodness, who knew A DOLLAR could go so far.

And if you think you want more to do than advocate! Advocate, Advocate, Advocate! Write a letter to your Congresspeople for those that feel that their voice, their struggle, their lives have been forgotten in the hustle and bustle of our world. For now, tell them to focus on the Child Nutrition Reauthorization letter.

Hopefully, you all take the time to consider what it might be like to know you might not have a meal from breakfast to dinner. How awful would your day be? How tired would you be? How weak would your mind and body be? Food is not only a basic need but it's also something that provides nutrition and a chance to keep trying and to an opportunity to contribute.

Until Soon!


  1. I really like that you include on your site a way for other people to help and contribute since a lot of people are really busy or would rather donate money. It's really nice to see someone have such a passion for helping other people! Good luck!

  2. I think it's great that you are taking this road trip to feed the hungers.
    Most of our trip is to have a break from our lives.
    Also, I think it's great idea that you wrote a blog on how others can help.

  3. This is a great post to have! It really helps engage the blog readers and make them feel like they can help your cause even if they aren't going on the trip with you.

    It also ties back nicely to some of the example blogs that we looked at in class of road trips for a cause more than just personal fun. I admire you and your plan for this trip! :)

  4. I agree with Taylor I think it is awesome that not only are you taking a selfless road trip on your own, but that you are also making it easier for other people to connect with nonprofit organizations like Feed America
